Friday, January 29, 2010

Mister didn't appreciate being trapped in the shower! Grace had the keys and was planning their escape!

Last week Miss Grace decide she would start speaking more. Since she has a hearty appetite she said MORE as plain as day. She was very proud herself too! That same day we walked across the street to play and as we were doing so Lilly & Harley dashed out the door. C & G were walking in different directions of course when Lilly & Harley came flying by.....well Grace got so excited she squealed LI E. Sooo cute! We made a grocery store trip and it was late morning and there were a lot of things to sample. We started with pineapple and then cheese. As they finished the cheese Grace said more and looked at Crawford, he smiled and said more! Simutaneoulsy they began to chant, more, more, more! I laughed soooo hard I was crying. Egging each other on at 14 months!!

Grace is very independent and want to most things by herself. Crawford runs now! Grace started grabbing my hand to stand up and drags me around now. Crawford can climb up on the couch and on and across the ottoman with ease! Monday Crawford was sick and Grace followed suit on Tuesday. Snotty, sneezy with fever. They both were better by Wed. but not 100% yet.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Afternoon on the 11th

Chillin watching their shows!

Gracie trying stick something in her brothers mouth and he kept watching TV and didn't make a sound!

doing crunches

I thought this would make a good picture but guess what

she loved the lemon and cried for more!

Little sour puss!

didn't want to give it back to me!!

You can guess what Mr. thought of it!

They napped from 10:45 until 12:45. For lunch they ate broccoli and cheese quesadilla and apple pieces. Breakfast was oatmeal with mixed berries. YUM! Sorry I'm backwards!
Crawford has begun to dance, shake his head for no no and wave bye bye! yea!

Monday the 11th a.m.

I let them run around outside today and they walked to the swings. Now that they are walking they didn't want to swing as long as usual because they wanted to run around. The problem was they wanted to run in different directions! I'm pooped! They wore themselves because they had a long nap! The new mittens were wonderful at protecting their hands when they feel and they never once tried to take them off. Crawford wouldn't keep his hat on.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 2010

Can you tell he is squealing?

It's hard to get them to pose together.

Playing get you is sooo funny!

They love looking in this mirror. I personally avoid it!
Crawford is a little parrot. Although all his words are not clear he tries to say most of what you ask him to. He said A dn and Ash n today. One of his favorite words is mmiillk. more. He calls me Na. Grace says Na na na na. hot. no no. Of course Dadda and MaMa. G get. He loves to babble and play I am gonna get you! So cut!
Today (1/5) was the first day I notice Crawford dancing to music!