Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Trying to climb the gate to get up the stairs!

It is amazing that everyone is looking at the camera at the same time!

Some how he got hurt so Gracie is feeding her big brother gold fish to make it all better!

I heard a whining cry and this is what I found.... He was stuck and could get out and ran for the camera before I came to the rescue. LOL!

Torturing Papa!

Swinging with Papa!

Look close...she has 4 teeth now!! Finally!!

His hair has gone to..........curls!

Grace has started walking again. Friday she started taking a few steps when she thought no one was looking but has continued to keep trying....as long as you don't force her. This video was taken today (Tues. 15) and I managed to get a few steps on video. She took much more when the camera wasn't rolling!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Crawford and Grace turn 1 year old!

Getting some Papa love!

Sweet babies at their first birthday party!

On their first birthday I made sure everyone new it was their birthday!

WT 20lbs 11 oz. 45%

HT 30 1/4 85%

Head 171/2 45%


WT 22 lbs 12 oz 45%

HT 31 3/4 85%

Head 18 1/4 45%