Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Trying to climb the gate to get up the stairs!

It is amazing that everyone is looking at the camera at the same time!

Some how he got hurt so Gracie is feeding her big brother gold fish to make it all better!

I heard a whining cry and this is what I found.... He was stuck and could get out and ran for the camera before I came to the rescue. LOL!

Torturing Papa!

Swinging with Papa!

Look close...she has 4 teeth now!! Finally!!

His hair has gone to..........curls!

Grace has started walking again. Friday she started taking a few steps when she thought no one was looking but has continued to keep trying....as long as you don't force her. This video was taken today (Tues. 15) and I managed to get a few steps on video. She took much more when the camera wasn't rolling!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Crawford and Grace turn 1 year old!

Getting some Papa love!

Sweet babies at their first birthday party!

On their first birthday I made sure everyone new it was their birthday!

WT 20lbs 11 oz. 45%

HT 30 1/4 85%

Head 171/2 45%


WT 22 lbs 12 oz 45%

HT 31 3/4 85%

Head 18 1/4 45%

Thursday, November 12, 2009


My sweet little lady bug!

My loveable little lion!

The power of television!

October is a bit of a blurr. They are both taking steps. Crawford doesn't think about it he just does it. Grace is very deliberate and has to work up the courage but is steady when she does. They are climbing like crazy. Stairs are a blast. Crawford is getting good at sliding down stairs on his tummy. Both are very good eaters. Grace swallows before the next bite and Crawford like to pack it in before he will swallow. Halloween was fun but they were ready for bed about the time trick or treating started.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September 2009

Playing in Nana's flower bed

She didn't mind him sitting on her lap.

Playing at Nana's

Go Texans!

Visit from Uncle Scotty

Watching baby Einstein at Nana's

If I look tired it because they kept me up most of the night but I had to get a picture of us all in our Texan gear!

The day before Grace got sick.

Hi all of my blog followers and sorry I can't seem to get a routine going with the blog. I kept notes for several days but now that I am ready to make a post the notes have disappeared.

The first of the month I went on a trip to L.A. Crawford had a very runny nose the weekend and through Monday the 4th. He got over this cold very quick.

I am continuing to chase them around trying to keep them from getting hurt. At the beginning of the month one side of Gracie's forehead had several bruises. She throws her head forward a lot. She seems to be learning her lesson and not whacking her head quit as much. Right now she only has 2 mosquito bites on her head.

Tuesday the 14th Grace woke up with puffy eyes, itchy and runny nose. She took several longer naps that day and looked like she felt bad. Wed. the 16th Mel took her to the Doctor before we left for a trip to St. Louis to visit the in-laws and go to a Cubs game. Turns out Gracie had an ear infection.

They are eating solid food now and Grace shakes her head no to most baby food from a jar. Crawford says Dada now. Thursday the 16th Gracie said YEAAA and BaBa.

They love flipping, bathing, climbing stairs and eating! Car rides and walks are fun too! Pictures to come soon.
Thurs. 24

Usually for morning bath I bring them to their room to take off PJ's and then close them in the room while I run the bath water and then take them to the bathroom where I rip off the diaper just as they are diving in the tub practically. Well.... this morning I had one on each hip up the stairs and set them on the floor of their room. Before I could shut the bedroom door they took off crawling to the bath tub and both were trying to dive in. They allowed me to run the water and take pj's off with only a little fussing. They do love bath time!!
Monday 28th
New word for Gracie Uh Owww! Mr. is say DaDa to everything!

Peek-A-Boo with Nana & Who says toys are more fun than playing with the news paper!
Notice the sound she makes when playing with the paper. Sounds like she is gasping for air! She loves to scare me!

Friday, August 14, 2009

August 2009

They won't sit still to get a picture on a chair anymore!

Waiting for breakfast!

doesn't he look like such a big boy......

Wow...where should I start??? They have changed sooo much since my last post. They are on the move!! Both are crawling and pulling up on everything. You have to look around before taking a step because you likely to step on one or both of them. Crawford was a week behind Grace in the crawling department but he is now a speed crawler. Grace growls when a change is needed. The challenge is to figure out exactly what it is she wants. It's easy to know what she doesn't want by the squeal!! It's so cute to walk in their rooms to find them both standing up with big smiles to greet you. This week I managed to block their exit for the living room but now its all about keeping them from hurting each other. A lot of refereeing going on. Crawford is not a gentle giant......he's a rough love muffin. He grabs toys from Grace with little effort. Climbs over her tries to brace his fall by grabbing her. I am not sure if he like to kiss her head or wants to eat it. Some times Grace is very patient but most of the time she screams when he touches her. Crawford gives big wet kisses and Grace smiles and leans her forehead on yours and looks down. She loves to grab your nose, cheeks, eyes and hair. Ms. Grace begins to growl when she wants something to change. If you don't figure it out the growl soon turns in to this loud screaming squeal! I have to get this on video soon. Crawford has learned how to growl for his sister!
I was without a camera this week but hope to have one Monday Aug. 24th! Stay tuned!! My google picture account is full....need to purchase more space because I can't delete any pictures!

Thursday the 20th.......they are 9 months of today!

Friday the 21st
Crawford said IIIT.... after I told Lilly to get on her bed and now get is one of his favorite words. Hey also seen to say hey a lot. Notice in the videos when he is trying to roll his hands around he seem to be humming most of the time. I think he's sing wheels on the bus and doing the motion of round and round with his hands. ??? He says YEA....alot.

Saturday the 22nd

Aedin called to tell me that Grace is saying DADADA ! She dada's all the time now.

Monday the 24th
Papa and Nana took them to story time. We had fun and I enjoyed the help and company!!

Tuesday the 25th
They tried whole peas and some chopped up green beans. Crawford smiled and chewed but when it came time to swallow he spit it out. Grace spit it out right away. I guess it's going to take some time to get used to the texture of food.

Grace is trying to climb the furniture and hanging off of things!! If she keeps this up we have to enroll her in gymnastics soon! I think she needs a helmet too! Queen of head bonks!!

We have a hair puller (Grace) and a bitter (Crawford)on our hands....what's a Nana to do????????

We had a great day. We spent the day at their house and the I took the little boogers home with me to spend the night. Hope we all have a good nights sleep!!

We went for a long walk and had a great swing!! Bath, bottles & bed 7:30ish!

I bought more space to store pictures on google and will try to upload some pictures and videos tomorrow.

Grace woke up at 6:15 and Crawford at 6:30. We played in bed until they had to have a bottle at 6:50. We played until nap time again at 9:30 a.m. Grace slept 1.5 hours and Crawford 2.25 hours.

They can climb stairs!

Raided my plastic container cabinet!

Not done unpacking!

Trying to escape?

Its Friday morning and I just got uploads to work!! Now I have to figure out how to shorten my videos because they either take to long or will not upload! AHHHH! So frustrating!

Mr. with the giggles!!
The cutest thing EVER is to watch them play!!

Monday August 31
This morning as Grace was finishing her bottle I asked her if she wanted a bite of her fruit and she shook her head no! I asked me and she started this this weekend. Around 1:30 I asked her if she wanted to go nite nite and she again shook her head no!
They had their 9 month check up this morning. Dr. said Grace is very smart and was going to be a challenge but we knew that already. Crawford is 21.3 lbs and Grace is 19.10 lbs. C's height is 30 and G is 28 1/2. The had to have their finger pricked and part 1 of the flu shot. Mr. didn't mind the examination but Grace hated it.