Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Our first Easter together we started the off day all going to church with Dad, Mom, Grandma Danc, Mimi, Nana, Papa, Aunt Steph and Uncle Cody. Crawford slept through the service on Mom's lap and Ms. Grace snoozed on Aunt Steph but she enjoy watching the pastor on the monitor. We enjoyed a great meal together and a visit from Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Justin, Aunt Emily, and Elizabeth.

Week March 30th 2009

Thank you Mel, Mimi & Stephanie Green for filling in for me so I could get moved! Love you!!

Crawford loves to suck on his own fingers....not thrilled about his sister sucking on them! :) This week was all about eating with a spoon. Fun and messy! Grace likes to slurp it off the spoon and Crawford likes to hold it in his mouth and then talk. Of course I had to torture them to get some fun Easterr photos. Grace could not keep her eyes off the flower on her brothers head!!